
INC The New Age


Now we are going onto the what I call the Wild Side/the sensationalism of the ..The New age....

well before we got the new age we are going to go old school and start with a discussion on mysticism. what is mysticism you might is the time and sequence of the ability that one person has to control another persons thinking, emotion, mood state, behaviour and movement, desire to and desire not to do something, fatigue level, trust levels, fall in love or have affections for one think and out of love and no affections for other things, and where all these things orchestrated and again time and sequence into a series of steps called a "mystic program", "skit" or "routine" that is designed to accomplish some actions or activity on behalf of a mystics or an organization that sponsors or practices mysticism in the american society. The apex or sum total of a mystic activity is what I term "presentations mysticism", and this is the activity or a perceived activity that another person is superimposing themselves in body or in mind on the body and mind of the victim so completely that the victim has no control over themselves and this individual group or organization then, using the victim through his or her control over the victims mind and movement to accomplish certain activities be that legal or illegal or just plain crimminal. Now this is a wild concept.(though not in any way a new one as these ideas of sorcery, withcraft, demonic possession have been around and are as old as methusala for example the catholic church practices it form or remove undue influences on a victim) And the bible has numerous accounts of folks acting under the influence of "demons" to behave the idea of this stuff has been around forever and a day..It is our understanding of these activities and how they are used in our modern society and more importantly how they are interwoven into our contemporary media, songs, entertainment and politics and law is how many of us fall short or miss the mark..however even this is by design...just think, I have the ability to influence another person, without that person or anyone else in law enforcement seeing me use this person to carry out activities.. Think of all the things that I can do to that individual and all the things I can get away see "nobody sees me" or is most of the time that folks like "me and organizations like me exist and worse than that they do not even have an idea of the amount of trauma, chaos, and just plain crimminal behaviour that I am capable of with this form of behaviour....You see with this kind of stuff, folks, they see "my" actions and my activities operating "on a victim" and they see the victim acting like a fool..however the "cause of the victim"acting like a fool"...the mystic...nobody sees..and after he mysticises and abuses one victim, he moves on to his next..since he cant get caught. So the reason for the step into the new age is to show these folks and how they get their instructions to attack, "demonize" which we call "presentation mysticism" in folks to accomplish their units, organizations, goals and activities.

background of the new age

In order to see the new age we need to pull back the curtain of deception. There are two basic deceptions one is that mysticism is a bunch of ghost goblins and spirits who carry out these mind and mental attacks and thus cant be stopped.And the other is the denial of the activity and that anyone mentioning the activity is somehow a fool or a kook.. I am not going to go into all of this, I will simply say that, when it comes to mysticism, it is easy to deny the fact that it exists or that it is sensationalism, you know out of sight out of mind. this is an intentional deception to keep the topic not in the minds of folks..Mysticism is a science just like biology and chemistry and phyics and it has practiioners at vaious levels some are experts in what they do and some are new to the stuff and go about amusing themselves at their ability to attack or harm others.. So the first rule of mysticism is to deny that it exists, that way if you are looking for it you will never see it or think about it.. The second rule of mysticism is to insure that you have adequate cover for the use of mysticism, such that if you get caught using the stuff you can immediately go into denial and call the person report you as a cook or fool and then use other things that have been carefully built into the personality background of the victim to cover and blame the use of mysticism on, that is never allude to mysticism and its existance, just blame the victim or something in the victims background. Which then brings us to the third law of mysticism, insist that goblins and ghost and evil spirits exit and they are the ones carrying out the activities..The only thing that we have ever seen as suspicious in our years of watchig mysticism is the"wind" everything else that we have seen and witness can be traced back to a living thinking human being who is using mysticism (and sometime being paid cash, land, cars and other property) or that is the tools of mysticism to attack another person on behalf of himself/herself or another group or order. For the record None of us believe in ghosts or goblins, however blaming a ghost or a goblin is a great way to get out from under crimminal activites that actual living thinking and breathing humans cause. Folks this stuff is serious, and one of the main issues with this stuff is the secrecy that surrounds the practice and use of this stuff. Imagine if I were a chemist in the third century before christ and no one knows what chemistry is and for the next 2000 years I continue to practice and refine my secret chemistry and no one knows about in our day we have a bunch of in the closet chemist who go about practicing chemistry. When caught the deny the fact that chemistry exists and call the person citing the use of this stuff as a clown or worse off the state ghost and goblins are the cause of any chemical activity and that the person experiecing the chemistry is a bad person due to the amount of negative things built up into the personality profile of the victim.. The same with demonics, witchcraft, ghosts, goblins or whatever name you want to call it. This science has been around since christ walked and it has been record and written about in the bible, koran and other works on religion as ...evil spirts ....however since spirtis don't exist then we must call this for what it is folks with this ability to influence others, in ways that most of us are not trained in or have any information about..hence we deny its existance or chalk it up to ghosts and spirits..Now you may believe in ghost and spirts and such however for this report, there is no such thing and all activiites can be traced to folks who practice this withcraft, sorcery, mysticism or whatever you want to call it. So this is a science so it has rules and principals and tools that are used by the practioner to accomplish their lets take a quick look at the tools of mysticism..also mysticism is the name I use, I am aware that it sounds sensationalistic and implies other worldly activities...however as I have mentioned these human beings like you and mean who are trained in this stealthy science to accomplish their agendas and objects using most of the time the media.

what are the tools of mysticism

  • the verbalization screen..known in psychology as auditory hallucinations, that is the ability to hear folks talking in your mind, when those folks talking are not in the same room or location as the person talking.. We have identified a device called a broadcast transmitter, that these folks use to talk, and harrass victims.. The victim is unable to control this device and the broadcastes that can be sent over this device and they cant control the volume of the sounds sent over this device. We have witness folks yelling, cursing,screaming, immoral filth and perverted talking, making statements and suggestings instructing folks to kill themselves as these folks broadcasting on these transmitters will not turn them off and give the victim any peace and quiet. Since no one sees them or is aware of this ability, they can broadcaste whatever they want and say whatever they want an the things they say and broadcaste are just plain filth and immoral. They in addition to words, phrases, sentences, can broadcast sounds and different pitch levels..image someone running their fingernails over a black board and broadcasting that sound day in and day out none stop to a victim, just plain torture. Then tell the victim if you do as I say usually some crime, that they will stop the sounds and the torture... This device also has levels like a radio, when it is loud you can hear the clown talking or whatever noise he is broadcasting and when he has it on low you cant actually hear consciously what he is saying but it is kinda subconcsious..kinda like a dog can hear a whistle blown that a human cant hear..the sound is still there it is just heard by thedog whose ear is more sensitive to sound than the human ear..this is called subconsious sound and thought is a stealthy act to program the victims mind (brainwashing)Also mantras the repetive broadcasting of the same words and aphrases over and over and over again at both audible and inaudible levels is an attempt to brainwash the person to accomplish an act activity by hearing the instruction to do this act over and over and over again...
  • Working with the verbalization screen is the visualization screen, and if you think that can broadcaste immoral trash and junk over that wait until you see what they can broadcaste with this one.. The verbalization screen we think is in the ears or ear canal..while the visualizations screen is in the brain..Inside the mind is a space that works like a TV it can be turned on and you see what is being broadcasted to this screen and it can be turned off where you cant see things.. A visual hallucination is when the screen is on and the broadcaste over the visualizations screen using the same or a different transmitter, pictures, photos short movies lasting 1 to 2 seconds, long moves over two seconds, scenes/lights, colors,locations.... They often time time a visualization to occur on the visualization screen and add in verbalizations on the verbalization screen. This mix of visuals and verbals working together to accomplish a thought or a point of view a way of thinking is called a mystic program or skit or routine.. Again almost everything that we have seen on this network is filth and perverted much like their verbalizations.. we have watched them broadcaste porn movies, movies involving child pedofile behaviour, and they have a skit where they take the image of the victim and try and make the victim think that they are in the movie or the character in the movie carry out this filth and indecency..very sophisticated witchcraft at use..these are training movies that are designed to try and train the victim to become a pervert or child pervert...tragically there are children involved in these videos..much the same with training folks to be gays or lesbians, they use the same activity, that is they broadcaste movies over the victims visualization screen of immoral sex between same sex partners and use witchcraft and mood control ie sensatioalism at a sex act we will talk about mood control in a minute..and the idea is to make the victim think that they are one of the images in the same sex movie, kinda like an immersive movie being broadcaste and the victim is led to think that they are one of the folks in the movie...The verbalization screen and the visualization screen is used to torture the victim with a never ending barage of movies and audio clips of filth and immorality or whatever instructions that the group was hired to turn the victim into...
  • The third tool of mysticism, is the body irritants... these are the torture weapons of a person who is trained in verbal and visualization imagery and for the record we call a person who is trained in mysticism a "mystic". Victims are usually unwilling to submit to a mystic or his mysticising order and accomplish their goals as some of these goals and instuctions are crimminal, perverted, and humiliating or just plain embarrasing..As a rule the more disgusting and crimminal a pre planned activity the more embarrassing and humilated the victim should be so as to insure tht they will never reveal the plan as to do so would humiliate and embarras them so badley that they would never be able to recover from the humiliation and emabarrasement.. Usually these victims tragically take their own lines so humilated they are well not are but are lead to believe by the mystic doing these things to them to buy silence.....The body irritants are just what the name says irritants that attack the victims body and are so intense and extreme that they inflict or cause pain and trama on the victim.. Like verbalizations and visualizations the turning on and off of the body irritants is control by the mystic who tortures then turns them off if the victim does as he is told to do and then turns them back on if the victim fails to do as he is told to do.. Types of irritants some attack the muscles pulling and streting and holding them..kinda like a rubber band strected to capacity and then held...very painful..then there are others that attack body organs a favorite of them being the kidneys..where they can make folks pee in all sorts of timed manner..lately they have linked their ability to cause inability to contain ones urine to those bladder pad commericials as a joke.... Also joints and causing pain in joints and tingle sensations in the arms are also ways to torture the victim into compliance. By far the most dangerous of their attacks is tampering with the veins and arteries attempting to cause strokes and heart attacks..this start by forcing folks to eat huge quantities of meat to clog arteries and then run that thing that runs around in the body to attack the veins and arteries in the legs and chest and neck and brain areas...Of course the body irritants have a pleasure side to them, that is sex they can cause these highs and lows in the personality and this brings us to mood state and emotional state control..
  • mystics, can contol their victims mood and emotional state..we think this has to do with tones and chimes sent into the ears of the victim from the broadcast transmitter, but we haven't figured it out yet. mystics can make a victim happy, sad, angry, anxious where no cause for these emotions exist, they can make a person feel tired, fatigued or exhausted even when they have not done anything. they can make folks desire things even wicked or unnaturual thinks activiteis or even desire people or animals. This is how we get strange situations of folks laughing when others are crying or crying when others are laughing...etc..rock music and musicians make music that works with mood state control..their lyrics and the tones and dark themes of the music often simulate depression or aid in exasperating depressed and dark like states and in fact a few decades ago folks were suing record companies stating their lyrics had affected their childs death..they were right but in the wrong area stating that the record when played backwards had satanic message.. that is not what caused their deaths it is the melancholy tones of the music that aid the mystic who was controlling the victims mood state, and thoughts to make them feel and think they are depressed.
  • which then brings us to thought we mentioned the victim has auditory hallucinations or verbalizations that are broadcasted to them,and they can't shut these broadcastes off...thought control is the ability to silence a persons thinkging apparatus, where their brain generates no thoughts on its own, and in place of their thoughts is the "broadcaste transmitter device", broadcasting thoughts to the victim to such a sophisticated extent that the victim is not able to distinguish his thoughts and thinking from the ideas being broadcasted to his mind from the broadcast transmitter. when the victim cannot distinguish his own thoughts from the statements comming through the broadcaste transmitter, we say a situation of "diminished mental capacity"exists and the victim is carrying out the ideas, and thoughts of the boradcaste transmitter as if these thoughts and ideas are his own. To make a victim more susceptible this transmitter which mimicks the way the victim speaks and uses words and phrases that the victim would use to cause stress and strain and money problems and situations that the victim can't get out from under, and due the stress and worry about the situation, they tend to listen to the broadcaste transmitter as it takes over their thinking and stops the spontaneous thinking of the victim
  • Which then leads us to the apex of the mysticism process, which is called presentation mysticism..with the tortured victim without money and in all kinds of problems and under stress and strain, the victim may turn to drugs and alchol to ease the pain caused by the mystic trying to reduce them down, to a level that the "presentation process" can take place. It is not a good idea to drink or use alchol or drugs because under presentation mysticism it is impossible to stop a mystic while incapacitated...The presentation process is rather cut and dry, however because of the amount of witchcraft and the sophistication of the witcraft involved, we have alter views on how this occurs..The process is when one perosn assumes control over the mind and body and movement and thinking of another person so as to use the person in this incapacitated state for crimminal activities, then after the crime to jump off the person and leave them standing to deal with the crime. See a mystic wants to do the crime, but he doesn't want to do the he zaps the brain of others and turns them into human shells and using them in this human shell like condition to do or commit crimes and through them then he departs and leaves the victim and their families to deal with the situation that they caused. Some folks think that one person has a way to get inside the body of another person and then use the person for the crimminal acts..I used to think this until they started moving that thing around in the body..this is a form of sex assault where they manuver this thing into the vagina of women and attempt to rape them with this thing and send in visualizations and verbalizations that berate the victim before during and after the rape attack and telling them to go off and kill themeselves from shame of this attack. See you can't broadcast that thing that moves around in the body while you are inside the victims body...So i do not beleive in an actual take over of the victim from the mystic..I think instead there is a very sophisticated program that tries to make the victim believe that they are taking over or being presented in involving broadcasting images of the mystic to the visual screen moving the victim around based on the images on this screen talking through the victims vocal cords with the sounds broadcasted to the verbalization screen. moving the victim around and from area to area trying to reinforce in the mind of the victim that they are under control or demonic possession..they are not thinking but carrying out the thoughts and ideas of the transmitter device.. I couls be wrong but I tend to think more in terms of mental programming from this transmitter device..
  • how the media, tv radio, movies are involved with this mysticism..when a mystic is working over a victim, the mystic needs to know what kinds of mysticism to perform on the victim that is what is the victim need to do and how the victim should be tortured to accomplish this..Instructions for the training of victims and what crimes they are to be used to carry out come from the media, tv, internet, movies and songs..The mystic needs to know what to do and he causes the victim to watch a certain movie, read a certain book, or listen to a certain song. so that the mystic can get his marching orders or to expose the victim to ideas that he needs to know to carry out their program activity..And as we mentioned earlier the media is used to further irritate and anger a victim with the irritation built into their broadcastes...
  • The last tool of the process is the building of the background personality profile...If the program or the victim is exposed to the public, the idea is to have a bunch of negative activities and ideas you know a paper trail that an be produced to show that due to these never ending series of unfortunate activities, the victim acted out and committed a crime..that is the attention is shifted away from the mystic and his torture and abuse of the victime as the cause of the crime, but to squarely put the blame on the victim as the wrong doing such a personality background profile has to be built and if they can't build one, no worries, go into the media get folks who look like the victim and have them committing movie crimes and involved in the activities to intimidate the victim and harrass them by being linked via "looks like me" mysticism to the behaviours..Usually by the time the victim commits the big crime that he is being tortured via the demonic, he has committed several smaller crimes, been in and out of mental hospitals, addicted to drugs and alchol.. a wife beater, a a bad parent, a pedofilewhat they put in folks backgrounds is designed to keep the victim quiet such that to reveal the demonic order is to admit to their own crimes or immoral behaviour.. These smaller crimes when taken to gether along with money shortages is usually the primary activites of a mystic. money crimes are kinda like the last set of crimes that are caused in a victim as these have the tenancy to set folks off. the thought losing a job, income, ones home and car are enough for folks to go off and kill people and themselves so this particular activity is called a fuse, this is the fuse that is light when I need the person to go off. so in terms of crimes, mystics need folks to committ crimes..but they have no one available to use.. no one gets up in the morning and states that they want to commit a crime, they have to be trained to commit crimes and this trainging and torture is the real of the mystic attacking the victim. So mystics train potential crimminals and torture potential crimminals and keep them in and out of trouble, that is building a personality background of all kinds of negative things. Now when I need a crime, I have folks under torture and torture like situations and circumstances and have been under these situations for years and decades, and these folks have all kinds of names, and look like celebrities and politicians and royal household members...and if I want to commit a crime, make some statement, I fuse, the victim already tortured senseless for years, decades with a fuse like detontor of which, kicking kicked off a job or having once wife up and divorce them sets them off and they go and committ a crime..In these cases the thought control or diminshed mental capacity is brought on due to stress and the victim under the broadcaste transmsitter or presentation possession whichever theory you believe in is used as a shell with the mystic working through or broadcasting to the victim to commit a crime or murder, then turns of the transmitter to have the stunned victim often times unaware of the severity of the crime they just did standing their to face the judgements, the mystic gets off and off to harrass another victim.. Victims in the case of pre crime or pre fusing we call "primed" victims are primed and held in a primed state until a crime is wanted. Now folks pay mystics to work over folks and keep them primed for crimminal activites. Paying mystics for crimes comes in a variety of ways, paying them really high salaries to make movies and songs with instructions in them..
  • an example of the use of this stuff.. lets say in 2045, a group of folks plan on marrying off one of their princess and as a part of the celebration they want to human sacrifice 100 souls to the god tanif wolly woo foo. so someone has to be selected to dispatch these 100 souls at the time determined.. 1st up is victim selection, determining who will be selected to carry out the 100 souls massacre at the appointed time and what organization to use to demonize the victim...and since it is 2024 they have 10 years to destabilize and torture the selected mass murderer..things that go into the selection are race, age at the time of the event, looks, last name, first name etc...

first they have to identify the victim and the mystic organization to carry out the vicitimization and terrorization of the victim..if a victim is not found, they create a victim to meet the circumstances of the crime, this involves trafficking folks from one town to another or one country to another, trying to put names and physical characteristics on the victim to be use to carry out the crime.  so now that they have selected the victim and organization the next step is to study the victim.  his likes and  dislikes, what he is averse to and kinds of folks he is adverse to ..after the study of the victims habits and activities is made. they start the process of mysticism of the victim That is they start making things go wrong in the victims is around this time that they start the trauma  his life that he starts having strange "dreams" of an unsettling nature, that is the mystic is broadcasting disturbing imagery to the victim.. Remember this victim has been preselected by this mystic order to kill others for the offereing of their souls, so there objective is to make his life aliving hell, full of torture and things going wrong, such that he will act out in 2025 nd massacre the 100 for the cult.  Keeping on with the story...suddenly for no reason his best friend and confident at school dies in car accident...then for some reason his father gets fired at a job and the stress of having no job and not being able to find another one he kills himself.. the mother with no money or training to  make ends meets and having difficulty finding a job...resorts to selling her sons ass to pedofiles to and prostititution to get cash..that way if something happens they can arrest the mother or the child.. the child is distraught at being abused by his surving parent..and then goes to school to find that classmates and former friends have  turned against him for some unknow reason,..he finds his teachers insulting him and belittling and berating him and his grades fall, then as a joke one of his classmates reveals that his mother is a prostitute selling her ass or selling his ass for money and the shame and embarrassement causes him to drop out of school.. that he may at this time try and ease his pain with drugs or alchol..he may try and runaway or go live in a shelter notice the background building on the at his wits end and facing trauma and terrorization every day..the visualizations or movies he sees starts showing images of mens asses and when he walks down the street he keeps looking at mens asses, well he isnt ding itthe mystic on him is causing the behaviour.  Then they send him dreams with homosexuals or child pedifiles and tries to make him think that he is in the video and is a pedifile or pervert..the inflame his desire and lust for the movies...he starts to withdraw into himself and then he starts to hear voices, folks talking to him and reassuring him that everything is going to be alright..he takes to the voices as they are the only source of positive help in the trauma that is going on around him...unaware of the fact that these voices are the ones tasked with causing the trauma and stress and strain to begin with.

these voice first task is to gain the trust of the victim and to do this they offer comforting thoughts to the victim while staging all kinds of terror for the victim to go through...depending on the mystic program, they may introduce themselves to the victim as some angel sent from god or heaven to get them out of the situation they are  in...some introduce themselves as jesus christ reborn, satan, some dead past historical figure or king..they may claim to be a clown from the future traveling back in time to help...the idea is to portray them as helping when again they are the main cause of all the victims problems. The idea is for the victim to trust the voice as a helper... So at this point we have verbals and visuals attacking the victim. The victim now distraught, ma start to drink or do drugs and may try to steal to get money...he is caught and sent to jail building his jail record. In between all of this he plays very violent video games which are used to train victims how to shoot weapons and be immune to seeing blood spilt..  He may at this time also be led to chruches, christian if white and islamic or muslim if most folks know religions have mystics and the scriptures of both religions are instructions to mystics to cause certain kinds of programs...

around this time he may decide to go to work and gets a job..however he quickly begins to sense that his coworkers are out to get him fired...mystics do not work alone and in job situations they work in groups, that is the main mystic is on the victim with other mystics on the coworkers with all them working to get the victim fired.  Once fired, money depravation games start, in which the vicitim unable to get another job, loses or is evicted from his home, may lose his car, have is utilites disconnected, all looks bad and doom and gloom but them he suddenly and miraculously finds another job..this is because the crime they are priming him for isnt set to be committed until 2025 so between now and then they hire and fire and then hire and fire causing as much money traumas as they can. every time he gets fired from a job they try and hand him more depraved and degrading work so as to embarrass him on a job based on the type of job he is doing.. usually it is at this point that the victim wakes up and sees the voices trying to embarrass and humilate them in employment situations..Call centers are the specialty of demonics as they can use a call center to orchestrate callers/customers of a company to call into the call center and then using the lingo of the call center, insult, humiliate embarrass,subject the victim to phone sex statements and the victim has to be nice to these perverts and clowns or risk getting bad customer evaluations and reiews, another paper trail that is built up and used to fire the victim.. The victims supervisor and team leads call into the center acting like customers and humilate, embarrass the victim, and then give them bad ratings that are used to get the victim fired.. Now due to these multiple hirings and firings the victim appears distabilized, which is the objective of the hiring firing, and of course the victims bills start piling up, the victim declares bankruptcy..another paper trail marker...This goes on and on and on and on sometimes the victims sign in to mental hospitals  again a papaer trail this one of mental instability...however as we start getting closer to 2045, the victim starts to experience strange pain in his abdomen, ass, vagina if a female. esophagus and brain..he feels as if something is moving around in his body but cant identify where this thing is comming from..all he knows is that it hurts and is very painful...the voice or voices as by name the game is up and he know that there are multiple folks attacking him, urge him to do drugs or drink alchol to ease the pain..however what the mystic fails to mention as that drugs and alchol do not ease the pain they are causing ( they find this out when out of dexasperating they grab a drink only to find that the drink doesnt stop the pain....they only tell them this to get them to drink or do drugs for which they are usually arrested over and over again again building that paper trail. By now the victims money situation is destroyed and creative means are suggested via the voice (s) as ways to get money to live on and prostitution is usually the top suggestion... drug trafficking is second... the victim life is thus a I get celebritis and actors to get on stage and talk about the great life that they have had over the last few years while they have been attacking the victim and making his life a living hell.. they tell the victim, these are the mystics own words, your life will not get any better so you might has well end it all..this is suicide training, as apart of the 2045 massacre and suggestions that after the massacre that they should kill themselves since they cant stop the mystic from attacking them...The body torture increases the  closer they get to 2045, then suddenly for some strange reason he feels that he is losing his ability to think for himself that someone else is copy this thought patterns and broadcasting them back to him as his own thoughts. oddly he keeps hear repetive statements over and over again as if someone is training to to act, respond to thinks a certain way about certain things folks activies. lifestyles.. He may decide to get away from it all and join some reclusive and odd ball cult that has 100 members of "right thinking folks" his hope and salvation out of the mess, terror and situation that these demonics have caused him.. but it is now 2045 and time to set the victim a fuse has to be lit the final upset, the one that will make him go off and kill at a minimum of 100 folks at a certain time.. he may lose his job or the cult may throw him out and this disownment and with no where else to go is the fuse that sets him off and his emotional and mood state is enhanced to outrage as the mystic controls anger and can make in the lsightest situations 10 times woarse than they actually are..and he shows up with guns..this is the presentation part, and most think that the victim is so angry or enraged at this point that he is not thinking that the broadcaste transmitter is thikg for him and given him instructions  to obtain items to harm self or others..others say he or she is so distraught and reduce to the level of a human shell that the mystic steps in and controls the victim and uses the victim to shoot and kill the required number of souls for the cult show....then he leaves and the victim returns to himself..dependin on how you view presentations... the point here is the object to shoot and kill at a minimum of 100 folks has been accomplished and this is what they harrassed him to do and which is what he had been trained to do over the last couple of years using terrorization poverty, sex assaults, character assassination, embarrassment, humiliation.... then he may kill himself if still under their mind and mental thought control or he may not, in which case off to jail he goes for the crimes that the mystics caused.

This whole process described is an example of a mysticism program, these programs are long and can run days, weeks, years, decades and some even centuries. At around the time the victim needs to be set off or fused, you will find all sorts of folks showboating and trying to get their share of the program by seeing what they can do to insult or irritant and anger the victim to fuse and go off..  We have caught politicians trying to get elected to office and using their election and reelection campaigns to embarrass or humilate the victim, we have caught companies hiring and firing the victim and building into their corporate training materials things, ideas, activities, and folks that work with angering the victim and trying fuse or set the victim off.. We have caught the rank and file locals stalking the victim and the victims home waiting for the moment the victim fuses and goes off so that they can have front row seats at the catastrophy...unfolding...  We have caught the locals driving cars with loud mufflers, while the mystics run things into their victims body parts and using the mufflers to further anger and irriate that thing running around in the victims body.

We have caught clergy, priest, muslim clerics, africans all working with this demonic program to set off the the victim. (We caught the africans trying to elect images of the dirtbag clown to political offices)...It was under one such case of really extreme torture that while reading the book the words seem to jump off the at her.

now while all these attacks are occuring, it is of course necessary to have the victim in an enviroment that nurtures harm and torture of the victim, so we  find alot of times that victims from the middle and upper classes have to be dragged from the upper classes to slums and gutters so that they can be worked over using mysticism and human and sex trafficking are used to transfer folks from normalcy to the slums and gutters for this terrorization training.

Now add to this the fact that the mystic and his order have to be paid for setting off the victim and causing a crime and the payment schemes that they come up with to pay the victim,, they may even try and pay the victims parent and sometimes they get the victim a job and try life insurance policy money and name the beneficiary as the one to be paid money when they kill off the victim..sometimes they name a neutral party to get the life insurance, and then terrorize the neutral one to obtain the payment. we have seen them being paid for terror in the form or cars, watches, tennis shoes, rv campers residential home mortgage payments...

sometimes things go wrong and they can't use the victim that they sabotaged an terrorized, so they have to "get rid of the victim". Getting rid of the victim is a straight forward process. It is a means of taking one of their clows that the mysticised and turned into a thug and get him around the victim to kill the victim... As by now the victim wants nothing to do with no one..they have this clever way to get their thugs around the victim..

They tell the victim to fall in love, get married and have kids with the thug that they created and trained to kill the victim....they just have to figure out a way to get the thug in striking distance to kill. The idea is to pay the thug for the harm to the victim with the victims money and property and to have this done where it is legal they have to get legal documents like marriage licences and birth certificates that can be used to obtain a dead victims property...We have watched elaborate tv shows, movies, music where images of the thug and the victim are show in amour with each other or with families and kids..this being done to cause the victim to lower down their guard to get the thug positioned where he can harm the victim on some fatefull night when the victim so full of trust for the thug gets struck down deadby the thug they trusted never suspecting the thug to be under mystic or demonic control...... We have seen politicians try and get elected office who look like the thug, we have seen the thugs image as advisors to presidential candidates...We ahve seen the image of their thug in Youtube historical shows and in fact the mystic through the media will try and install the image of the thug anywhere they think they have a chance of getting the thug in striking distance of the victim and... to pay the thug we have and continue to see the mystics building income earning internet sites with names of the thugs hidden in codes inside the html coding..we have seen the victim obtain land where the name of the thug is on a street near the land...we have seen the victim rent an apartment where the thugs nameis on the street..anything to link the dirtbag to the victim to get rid of the victim they have tried.

using taxpayer moneys to carry out and fund these demonic mysticism programs

needless to say while they keep the victim without money and constant hiring and firing on and off jobs...the victim has to get food to eat and they turn to the taxpayer social services system to give money to their victim to live on while they carry out their attacks and assaults on the victim and of course build the necessary paper trail to entrap the victim once a crime is committed.

  • taxpayer food.. that is they tell the victim to not work and turn to social service snap ie food stamps and tell the victim to live off food stamps to humilate and insult the victim, especially in cases where the victim is a college graduate.
  • tell the victim to live in bad housing neiborhoods around questionable people and ensure that they do not make enough money to live on and get them evicted from their apartment homes via control over and denial of jobs and income. Then turn to HUD housing and uban development and get vouchers paid for with taxpayers money via section 8 to fund the terrorition of the victim living in neiborhoods that work with the cult program ideology and goals and murder shows for a certain time ie, the last cult was 2019 year...
  • stealing a victims automobile and using a victims automobile as a payment for and to  those involved  in mysticising the victim
  • causing the victim to spend money and obtain items that are not consistant with the victims academic or class level and then try and figure out how to steal these items from the victim  and give to the mystics as a payment for their mysticism..

a review of companies and how they have been used in this terrorization via job and income control of the victim..


used to try and link the victim to males who look like the cult thugs they attempted to use to harm the victim. they orchestrated callers to call into the firm to harrass the victim on the job and using the lingo of the call center to try and turn the call into a solicitation for sex as a  part of this cult is to prove that the virgin mary is a prostititute and that any one claiming to be a reincarnated image of the virgin should be subjected to prostititution also.. prositituion is illegal in the united states and one can go to jail for this using white women to lure black women into sounds like prostitution like activities or to try and infer or change up the lingo of a call center to infer any form of sex in this case phone sex for money implies prostituion and thus the victim is working like mary as a prostitute. hence the callers would call in trying to simulate looking for places to get sex...


this tv and sattelight company had a midnight lounge porn movie collection. that is their clients could call into the call center and order porn shows from the customer service representatives..A typical porn call would be a customer calling in and asking the caller to order and turn on a porn show title.. the victim would have to go through the database looking at a variety of porn shows and get to the one the customer called in about and put it into his account and then charge him using his credit card information for the purchase..Hence they were using customer service reps to sell porn and collect payments for porn.

one company closed and relocated to this one the victim sat at a desk and recieved calls, two males one black another white sat in back of the female.. that thing that moves around in the victims body was used to sexually assault the victim sitting her her seat at her desk..then the black guy would state can you rate my performance on a statisfaction survey.... he would be talking to the client on the phone, but the actual comment was the thing that they had running around inside the body of the victim..


this was part sounds like prostitition and part body limb extermination and mostly harrassement..The idea was to have the victim watching and endless supply of required videos, while training and each of these videos were cartoons that had folks with no feet or missing their fingers. These were instructions to a mystic to cause the victim to become an amputee missing feet, legs or fingers due to circulation issues from eating to much sugar ie diabetic....harrassment with the callers calling in and taking the representative through changes that are not necessary to get ones insurance policy issues resolved, the idea is to joke around on the phone making the victim do things or look up things that are not neceassary or just hanging up on the victim as a source of irritation..The prostitution in this case is the agencies/agents  that sell the deal with customers and agents at the call center an the agents are the more difficult of the two groups..the agents make payments using their agency credit cards for on behalf of customers who are behind on their insurance payments with the customers paying back the agent/agency.. Ms akins a marathon runner started having joint and muscle problems on her right leg and knee  and ankle and went to the emergency room to figure out what was causing the pain and pressure only to be told that nothing was wrong with the legs

Telvista call center/verizon

the same strategy call into the call center and use the lingo of the call center for phone sex conversations with the reps..this was also insurance fraud and was stage with the same mystics as operated in the 2019 geon cult show..same use of disguised basements to lure victims into basement areas.

CVS Healthcare - ms akins has had two run ins with CVS health care, first they had her doing a survey asking questions about pain levels and where the pain is on their bodies, pure sleaze and phone sex, this was through a temp agency and the second came working for CVS pharmacy where again we had the training with folks that had no feet or hands...and the sad eyes..Also she was exposed to drugs of all sorts and all sorts of diseases and disorders and medicines with unusual side effects.. Instructions to cause these disorders..

Mckesson.. this was used as a data entry job where the local area spanish makes would create fake and false claims and then send them to her to process. each claim had a actual activity and an implied activity and the implied activity was some sex act with spanish males.....

ecolab  clerk position

this position started out okay and then one day this man walked in with this laptop and sat in one of the back offices..she then started having neck pain and shoulder pain..she had to bring in her massager due to the pain being caused. then the mexican lady got elected to the mexican presidency and she notice that her coworker was also named claudia..and then this claudia worked to come up with a reason to get ms akins fired from the position.  With this one the sales reps used teams as a way to advertise themselves to the victim and they tried to use the position to hook up the victim with a black male they had working in the facility. This firing is what is causing the victims present money problems..and so far the victim is unable to obtain suitable employment to pay her bills and rent.. Because of this retard cult you will find ms akins an african american, constantly in and a around spanish folks though she is not of spanish origin..

what is interesting is the number of positions she has had an the strange but similar phenomenon of her coworkers working collectively to get her she knows like anyone that she should probably have never taken these positions to begin with...but again she has to pay bills and took anything that came her way and wound up with these sounds like prostitution call center/call girl jobs, that just so happen to work with mary the prostitute.  The other half of this cult is joseph is a carpenter..

And to try and link ms akins to carpenters to match this code is quite commical..she has land and wants to build a cabin with tools in these desolate land areas.. this is not her but the mystic on her trying to hand land to thugs they are trying to isolate her on land and use these thugs to get rid of her and claim the land for this joseph the carpenter turns out to be a code for someone to harm ms akins, as the mary the prostitute is a code to entice and lure or force and pressure to these activities and toss in jail for these activities...

texas workforce commission

she had another temp job with the texas workforce commission and this was a strange ms akins was under these lack of money and starvation games and when she had little to no food she would have to go through this maze with hundreds of if then links on them and all the links were food items which ms akins was frequently short on so this document that she had to use on each call turned out to be a document to ridicule her about not having food to eat....

once ms akins was off her job at ecolab and not able to get another one, we noticed that all city services to help her pay her rent or get or keep her lights on suddenly stopped taking applications...

she got to her mothers home which is where we are as of this writing and got a job with a company called gdcc a interviewer, however they refuse to give her any hours and keep her employed but unemployed with no hours or income..this one has a survey of cigarette usage however some of the questions seem questionable or sex or phone sex 

We have seen ms akins behind on payments with no money to pay and "voices suggesting crimminal prostitution as a way to get extra cash", then we surmised that folks do not have money to pay their car insurance and the agent/agency pays this with the agency credit card and he one with no cash pays the what would cause an agent to pay someones delinquent car insurance..prositition at the agency level is what we were thinking...  

now we should being to see and have a good idea of what the new age and mysticism that they use is, now we need to look a little deeper and see how this stuff is in politics, institutions that run and govern the society, national and international implications of this stuff and it usage and how this stuff can be used to escape the laws and legal systems of the country...Also we need to study how the wealthy use mysticism, how the common man uses and participates in mysticism and how mysticism is woven into the entertainment and media in the country.

now i hope that the view that these are ghost and goblins doing this and writing out these programs and carrying out these programs attacking american citizens, and terrorizing citizens a job, income and housing levels...but what is the role of government in this mysticism activity are they on the side of defending the public or are they caught up in the attacks and what of the legal system are they aware of this stuff, defending americans or are they caught up in these attacks, and what about policing systems in the country are they aware of this stuff, are they causing this stuff are they defending american citizens against the terrorist activities described above or are they caught up in and causing these activites...

next what kinds of laws are on the books to protect victims selected to be mysticised and then turned into terrorists and human time bombs to carry out these organizations goals and activities.. what kinds of law are on the books for rape or running that thing through a victims body and reproductive organs  ie their vagina...what laws are on the books to protect folks from working or at schools from gang and  group attacks on them and on their jobs from co workers ganging up and getting folks fired...

what kinds of laws are on the books about impoverishing folks and their family members to force them to participate in terrorist and cults...

what kinds of laws deal with the body irritants and items sent through the body of a victim to torture them into doing the mysticising orders doing..

and these holding tanks what kinds of laws are on the books that  deal with  constant stress and turmoil, staching folks in holding tanks shelters and homeless centers to weaken them for cult activities and make the revoloutionary...

how does one stop a cult from embarassing and humilating a victim into compliance with their cult, and who do folks report this kind of disturbing behaviour too..

And what about chruch members, clergy, priest caught up as mystics and using these abilities to destablize and impoverish folks such that these folks can be use as disgruntled revolutionaries in programs and activities of these orders...

So the first step is to bring this stuff out in the open so all can see it and its causes and those who willingly and are paid to do this other folks in this society...then the next step is look for legal remedys to bring these folks to the judical systems to held accountable for what they have ben caugt doing to folks in the country....

now lets begin a study of the new age...and mysticism for the current year and activities that are being influence via mysticism and those who dabble in these black arts...

the first issue to look at the crimes being committed via mysticism and what can be done to bring these attackers to be held accountable for their attacks where their attacks 

 interfere with a victims money and sources of income, and denying or causing a person to be denied the ability to earn an income in a legal occupation because their cult calls for illegal jobs and illegal income.

 using thought and mind control via the transmitter, to cause or convince or argue victims to do things that are not in their best monetary interest,..and then sit back and watch the victim flopping back and forth due to a lack of money brought on via the mystic controlling the victims money.

 determining housing situations for victims that are based on programs skits and routines and that operate cults and forcing victims into these areas via job and income control

staging or using a victims coworkers to get the victim fired from a job and having a paper trail created via the victims to justify these firings where the infomation as been caused as a part of amystic plan which calls for the victim to be harrassed and tortured over time until they need to fuse and ignite the victim to go off..

using callers or clients of a company to call into a call center as a part of an orchestrated plot to harrass a victim or to use the call quality and grading system to rate the victim low knowing that these low marks are a paper trail to get the victim fired. as preplanned in a mysticism rountine aimed at impoverishing a victim or causing unecessary stress and strain and emotional stress on a victim due to job loss....where this is being done as a part of a mysticism program and used to enhance a paper trail of misconduct that can be used in the event the victim goes off and ....

 returning to a victim of a prolonged attack all the money that the mystical order caused them to lose and not earn due to the need to operate their mysticism program skit or rountine..

 music, tv, books, movies that are made and then float in and around a victim under a mysticism program where the scenes, song lyrics, work to enhance, give instructions to a victim or mystic to cause or carry out an activity where this activity was preplanned  at mysticism levels and athe vctim was selected for this purpose.

 victim selection and where and how a person reports that they feel that they have been selected as a victim to carry out some terrorist plot or activity and are being harrassed via job and income control to carry out these terrorist plots and activities.

 family members, town folks, and school folks seem to be aimed at harrassing the victim into committing mysticism related crimes or are unfairly being targeted with poverty and lack of employment such that the poverty and lack of employment has been deliberately designed to try and force folks to a cult or other mysticism releated activities.

having knowlege of a mysticism attack on a victim and with full knowleged participate in upsetting or angering the victim.

staging false or fake crimes or creating actual crimes with the intent of using these crimes to discredit mysticism and the processes of mysticism..and hold the victims squarely responsible for the crimes and not the mystics who used the victims and created the poverty of the victim or other issues such that these crimes became obvious due to the victim terrorization

using thought control to steal money from the victim and obtain items to be used as payments to another group of folks.

protecting a victim from being removed from their home due to a mysticism program that as a part of it has as its goal to cause the victim to be without money to pay their rent or other bills...and having knowledge of this event, to intentionally cause to be produced tv, news, commercials, radio broadcastes and other media and then have the victim look at this media, where the media  seeks to use this situation to ridicule and insult the victims

causing victims to lose jobs and homes so that they can be traficked from state to state to participate in mysticism programs and cults...

forcing folks off jobs and onto the taxpayer fund relief rolls 

attacking a victims body with the body irritants to torture, assault, sex asssult a victim

sending and broadcasting imagery and pornographic and pedifile imagery over the visualization screen of  a victim

attempting to use mysticism to alter the sexuality of  a victim by sending images of lesbian or gay male behaviour and attempting to make the victim think that they are in these pre fabricated tapes and there fore they are gay or lesbian..

using the visualization screen or the verbalization screen to make suggestions to a person to harm themself or other family members..

using the body irritants and verbalization screen in a short program designed to make the victim think or suggest to them to think about or consider, or to send mantras demanding some crime repetitively over the verbalization screen and/or to and then pop and go movement control mixed with  mystic created mood and emotions swings where by the objective is to convince the victim to harm either themselves or other family members..

attacking a victims ear muscles, joints or causing any kind of attack on the arteries and veins in the arms neck and head area with the intent of attemting to cause seizure like activities real or pervieved in the victim...

using witchcraft to to have members of the family laying out knifes and other sharp objects on a table over and over again while suggesting to the victim via the broadcaste transmitter the verbal one  to pick up the knife use the knife to harm self or other family members..

make the victim watch youtube shows in which sword fighting and lots of blood from stabbing is shown....

calling a victim on the phone to ridicule them about debt or bad loans or sending fake loan statements to a victims email box as a way to harrass and further irritate a victim under money pressures..

causing a victim money issues using mysticism to get them kicked off a job and then hand them a loan that if they default on they can be put in jail for not making payments on..

intentionally causing someones home to be damaged or fall into disrepair, so as to use the home as a coverup up for crime based activities cults activities......

using mysticism to interfer with a victims thinking such that they fail to make medical appointments, mental health appointments or fail to speak on mysticism related activities with their doctors due to thought interference...also taking away medical coverage to prevent victims

from paying for medical services...

what is the new age

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what is not the new age and what is a mystical alibis

we spent some time talking about what mysticism is and now we need to discuss what mysticism is not . the reason for these oddities is that if someone should stumble on mysticism and its actual uses attention can be diverted away from mysticism and onto some imbecilic relic of what mysticis is not..things like mood rings, prayer clothes, zodiac signs have nothing to do with timed and sequence control over a persons thoughts through broadcasted transmissions mixed with the control over , emotions and mood state orchestrated into programs to carry out activities of a mysticism order which are usually crimminal or harmful in nature.

  • items like mood rings and zodiacs are used to bait a victim into the realm of the esoteric mystic and to gauge guillibility that is how suseptical are they to believing in foolishness this is doing when they study a victim....
  • Ea iure at, debitis culpa perspiciatis suscipit laudantium a, expedita.
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  • Sed vel quo dignissimos, quaerat totam officia, deserunt provident minus.

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facial image to alter someones facial features so that they look like another person...


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